
Snake Pictures : Coach whip

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Coach whip

Coach whip

Coach whip

Masticophis scourge is a species of non-venomous colorblind commonly Coach whips whip snakes or serpents with seven subspecies recognized. 

Coach whips range throughout the southern United States from coast to coast. Also found in the northern half of Mexico. Coach whips usually found in open areas with sandy soil, clear pine forests, old fields, meadows. They grow in the dunes and coastal scrub sand hill.

Coach whips snakes are very fluid with a small head and large eyes with round pupils. They vary greatly in color, but most reflect an appropriate camouflage their natural habitat. M. f. testacy usually a shade of brown with dark brown mottling, but in the region of West Texas, where the ground color is a shade of pink, Coach whips also rose. M. f. a pices has given its common name, because the samples are often, but not always, have a red color. Coach whip scales are modeled by what at first glance seems crooked serpent. Subspecies can be difficult to distinguish in areas where their ranges overlap. Adult sizes of more than 160 cm (63 in.) are not uncommon.

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